Biggest 1080p TV for 28.7 Wide Entertainment Center
Someone asked me what the biggest TV that would fit into a 28.7 inch wide entertainment center was.
It's a very tight fit but there are a few 32 inch 1080p TVs that will fit within that small space. The TV with the safest bet seems to be the 31.5 inch Phillips 32PFL5708/F7 with dimensions of 28.6 x 7.1 x 19 inches:
If you want to risk the even tighter fitting 32 inch options then the VIZIO M321i-A2 seems to have a very thin bezel with even smaller dimensions of just 28.6 x 7.5 x 18.8 inches. The VIZIO is actually slightly cheaper than the Phillips and has more features too:
Have fun with whichever TV you choose!
If you have any comments please let me know and if you have any other questions which you'd like me to answer for free please send them to Ben Dash at
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