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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Saudi Royal Line

Someone asked me who was next in line to the Saudi Arabian Throne now that King Fahd, Fahd bin Abd al-Aziz bin Abd al-Rahman Al Saud, has died.

The next in line to the throne was Crown Prince Abdullah, now King Abdullah or Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz bin Abd al-Rahman Al Saud. Prince Sultan has now become Crown Prince Sultan. If you would like more details of the Saudi Royal line I found this site which has a lot of information:

It's interesting, to me, that the Saudi Royal line passes between Brothers before Sons, do you know of any other Royal Families which pass their dynasty on through the fraternal line?

There are lots of interesting books about both current events and Saudi history available here at Amazon.

Saudi Arabia is certainly an interesting country, if you have any comments please let me know and if you have any other questions which you'd like me to answer for free please send them to Ben Dash at


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